Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Light(Leeds) Bag Design Competition

These 3 images were created for a competition held by the light for a design to go on there new carrier bags. My idea was to draw a lightbulb with the filament inside spelling the words "the light". I wanted the illustration to have a simple hand drawn look to it and only 1 colour(yellow). To create the piece I first sketched the bulb with fine liner, I then on a separate piece of paper painted the shape of a bulb again. whilst the paint was still runny i blew sections of it outwards to give the effect of shining light. Finally i placed them on layers within photoshop to create the finished illustration.
this is the same design but using a handwritten style font on photoshop to replace my own.
this is the same as the 2nd design but with the same font as above but joined.

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